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Archive Pages Design$type=blogging$count=7




    ", "type": "color", "default": "#FF3D00", "desc": "Color of links and important things. You can change in Theme / Customize also" }, "body_text_font": { "title" : "Body Text Font", "start": "", "type": "font", "default": "normal normal 12px 'Roboto', sans-serif", "desc": "Font style for all texts in general" } , "body_text_color": { "title" : "Body Text Color", "start": "", "type": "color", "default": "#000000", "desc": "Color all texts in your site. You can change in Theme / Customize also" } , "body_background_color": { "title" : "Body Background Color", "start": "", "type": "color", "default": "#efefef", "desc": "Background color of your site. You can change in Theme / Customize also" } , "header_background_color": { "title" : "Header Background Color", "start": "", "type": "color", "default": "#ffffff", "desc": "Background color of your site header" } , "content_background_color": { "title" : "Content Background Color", "start": "", "type": "color", "default": "#efefef", "desc": "Background color of the area where your post content appears" } , "link_text_color": { "title" : "Link Text Color", "start": "", "type": "color", "default": "#FF3D00", "desc": "Text color of the links in your site" } , "visisted_link_text_color": { "title" : "Visisted Link Text Color", "start": "", "type": "color", "default": "#EA3A00", "desc": "Text color of the visited links in your site" } , "hover_link_text_color": { "title" : "Hover Link Text Color", "start": "", "type": "color", "default": "#FF4D11", "desc": "Text color of the hovering links in your site" } , "widget_background_color": { "title" : "Widget Background Color", "start": "", "type": "color", "default": "#000000", "desc": "Background color of the post thumbnails in article blocks when the mouse hovers on them" } , "comment_form_background_color": { "title" : "Comment Form Background Color", "start": "", "type": "color", "default": "#ffffff", "desc": "Background color of the Blogger comment form iframe" } , "comment_form_text_color": { "title" : "Comment Form Text Color", "start": "", "type": "color", "default": "#000000", "desc": "Text color of the Blogger comment form iframe" } , "main_menu_text_font": { "title" : "Main Menu Text Font", "start": "", "type": "font", "default": "normal bold 14px 'Roboto', sans-serif", "desc": "Font style for texts in main menu" } , "main_menu_text_color": { "title" : "Main Menu Text Color", "start": "", "type": "color", "default": "#000000", "desc": "Color of all texts in your site main menu" } , "main_menu_text_hover_color": { "title" : "Main Menu Text Hover Color", "start": "", "type": "color", "default": "#777777", "desc": "Color of all texts in your site main menu when mouse hovering on" } , "main_menu_background_color": { "title" : "Main Menu Background Color", "start": "", "type": "color", "default": "#ffffff", "desc": "Background color of main menu (not the whole header)" } , "main_menu_background_hover_color": { "title" : "Main Menu Background Hover Color", "start": "", "type": "color", "default": "#ffffff", "desc": "Background color of main menu items when mouse hovering on them" } , "sub_menu_text_color": { "title" : "Sub Menu Text Color", "start": "", "type": "color", "default": "#cccccc", "desc": "Color of texts in sub menu" } , "sub_menu_text_hover_color": { "title" : "Sub Menu Text Hover Color", "start": "", "type": "color", "default": "#ffffff", "desc": "Color of texts in sub menu when mouse hovering" } , "sub_menu_background_color": { "title" : "Sub Menu Background Color", "start": "", "type": "color", "default": "#333333", "desc": "background color of sub menu items" } , "selected_main_menu_text_color": { "title" : "Selected Main Menu Text Color", "start": "", "type": "color", "default": "#FFFFFF", "desc": "Text color of the current seletected main menu item" } , "selected_main_menu_background_color": { "title" : "Selected Main Menu Background Color", "start": "", "type": "color", "default": "#FF3D00", "desc": "Background color of the current selected main menu item" } , "article_widget_title_font": { "title" : "Article Widget Title Font", "start": "", "type": "font", "default": "normal bold 23px 'Roboto', sans-serif", "desc": "Font style for title of article widgets" } , "sidebar_widget_title_font": { "title" : "Sidebar Widget Title Font", "start": "", "type": "font", "default": "normal normal 16px 'Roboto', sans-serif", "desc": "Font style for sidebar widget title" } , "hover_thumbnail_image_background_color": { "title" : "Hover Thumbnail Image Background Color", "start": "", "type": "color", "default": "#000000", "desc": "Background color of the post thumbnails in article blocks when the mouse hovers on them" } , "post_title_font": { "title" : "Post Title Font", "start": "", "type": "font", "default": "normal normal 40px 'Roboto', sans-serif", "desc": "Font style for Single Post Title" } , "post_body_text_font": { "title" : "Post Body Text Font", "start": "", "type": "font", "default": "normal normal 16px 'Roboto', sans-serif", "desc": "Font style for Single Post Body Texts" } , "slider_title_font": { "title" : "Slider Title Font", "start": "", "type": "font", "default": "normal 400 30px 'Roboto', sans-serif", "desc": "Font style for Slider Titles" } } }, "dark-mode" : { "title" : "Dark Mode", "settings" : { "dark_mode": { "title" : "Dark Mode", "start" : "", "type": "checkbox", "default": "light", "check": "dark", "uncheck": "light", "desc": "Switch the whole site to dark mode. 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You can change in Theme / Customize also" }, "dark_body_text_color": { "title" : "Dark Mode Body Text Color", "start": "", "type": "color", "default": "#FFFFFF", "desc": "Color all texts in your site. You can change in Theme / Customize also" } , "dark_body_background_color": { "title" : "Dark Mode Body Background Color", "start": "", "type": "color", "default": "#333333", "desc": "Background color of your site. You can change in Theme / Customize also" } , "dark_header_background_color": { "title" : "Dark Mode Header Background Color", "start": "", "type": "color", "default": "#181818", "desc": "Background color of your site header" } , "dark_content_background_color": { "title" : "Dark Mode Content Background Color", "start": "", "type": "color", "default": "#212121", "desc": "Background color of the area where your post content appears" } , "dark_link_text_color": { "title" : "Dark Mode Link Text Color", "start": "", "type": "color", "default": "#f6aa63", "desc": "Text color of the links in your site" } , "dark_visisted_link_text_color": { "title" : "Dark Mode Visisted Link Text Color", "start": "", "type": "color", "default": "#d8873a", "desc": "Text color of the visited links in your site" } , "dark_hover_link_text_color": { "title" : "Hover Link Text Color", "start": "", "type": "color", "default": "#ffbb7b", "desc": "Text color of the hovering links in your site" } , "dark_widget_background_color": { "title" : "Dark Mode Widget Background Color", "start": "", "type": "color", "default": "#181818", "desc": "Background color of the post thumbnails in article blocks when the mouse hovers on them" }, "dark_main_menu_text_color": { "title" : "Dark Mode Main Menu Text Color", "start": "", "type": "color", "default": "#eeeeee", "desc": "Color of all texts in your site main menu" } , "dark_main_menu_text_hover_color": { "title" : "Dark Mode Main Menu Text Hover Color", "start": "", "type": "color", "default": "#cccccc", "desc": "Color of all texts in your site main menu when mouse hovering on" } , "dark_main_menu_background_color": { "title" : "Dark Mode Main Menu Background Color", "start": "", "type": "color", "default": "#181818", "desc": "Background color of main menu (not the whole header)" } , "dark_main_menu_background_hover_color": { "title" : "Dark Mode Main Menu Background Hover Color", "start": "", "type": "color", "default": "#121212", "desc": "Background color of main menu items when mouse hovering on them" } , "dark_sub_menu_text_color": { "title" : "Dark Mode Sub Menu Text Color", "start": "", "type": "color", "default": "#cccccc", "desc": "Color of texts in sub menu" } , "dark_sub_menu_text_hover_color": { "title" : "Dark Mode Sub Menu Text Hover Color", "start": "", "type": "color", "default": "#ffffff", "desc": "Color of texts in sub menu when mouse hovering" } , "dark_sub_menu_background_color": { "title" : "Dark Mode Sub Menu Background Color", "start": "", "type": "color", "default": "#333333", "desc": "background color of sub menu items" } , "dark_selected_main_menu_text_color": { "title" : "Dark Mode Selected Main Menu Text Color", "start": "", "type": "color", "default": "#FFFFFF", "desc": "Text color of the current seletected main menu item" } , "dark_selected_main_menu_background_color": { "title" : "Dark Mode Selected Main Menu Background Color", "start": "", "type": "color", "default": "#f6aa63", "desc": "Background color of the current selected main menu item" } } } } }, "Site Layout": { "Entire Site Width": { "start": "/*-var-wrapper-width-start*/", "end": "px/*-var-wrapper-width-end*/", "type": "number", "default": 1100, "desc": "Entire site width in PIXELS (px). 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Your code must be compatible with Blogger syntax." }, "Auto Height Logo": { "start": "", "type": "checkbox", "default": false, "check": true, "uncheck": false, "desc": "Allow template showing your logo as its natural height, instead of 30px" }, "Move Social and Search Icons to Top of Page": { "start": "", "type": "checkbox", "default": false, "check": true, "uncheck": false, "desc": "Move Social Icons and Search Icon from Menu Bar to Top of Page" }, "Hide Social Icons": { "start": "", "type": "checkbox", "default": true, "check": false, "uncheck": true, "desc": "Hide Social Icons from Header Bar" }, "Hide Search Icon": { "start": "", "type": "checkbox", "default": true, "check": false, "uncheck": true, "desc": "Hide Search Icon from Header Bar" }, "Default Post Thumbnail": { "start": "var DEFAULT_POST_THUMBNAIL = '", "end": "';// leave blank to use random images for non-thumbnail posts", "default": "https://lorempixel.com/640/300/", "desc": "The image src that you want to use for non-thumbnail posts. 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Not affect on mobile." }, "Sticky Menu": { "start": "var STICKY_MENU = '", "end": "';// enable / disable sticky menu", "type" : "select", "choice" : { "disable" : "Disable", "up" : "Show When Scrolling up", "down" : "Show When Scrolling down", "always" : "Show Always" }, "default": "up", "desc": "Sticky Menu Style When Scrolling. 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its position", "type": "number", "default": 100, "desc": "Number of milliseconds to wait before loading ads from widgets to positions. Increase this if you can't see your ads loading properly." } }, "Post Content": { "Date Format": { "start": "var DATE_FORMAT = '", "end": "';// global date format string for all javascript", "default": "MMM dd, yyyy", "desc": "You can read about Date - Time Pattern for more information" }, "Feature Images": { "start": "var FEATURE_IMAGES = '", "end": "'; // show FEATURE_IMAGES", "default": "always-before", "type" : "select", "choice" : { "always-before" : "Always Show Before Title", "always-after" : "Always Show After Title", "selected-before" : "Show [feature] Image Only, Before Title", "selected-after" : "Show [feature] Image Only, After Title", "never" : "Never Show Feature Images" }, "desc": "Show / hide feature images" }, "Feature Images Resize": { "start": "var FEATURE_IMAGES_RESIZE = ", "end": "; // resize feature images to match with #content width", "type" : "checkbox", "default": true, "check": true, "uncheck": false, "desc": "Resize Feature image to match with #content width" }, "Disable BreadCrumb": { "start": "", "type" : "checkbox", "default": true, "check": false, "uncheck": true, "desc": "Not show breadcrumb in all pages" }, "Max Breadcrumb Depth": { "start": "var MAX_BREADCRUMB_DEPTH = ", "end": ";// number labels will show in breadcrumb", "default": "2", "type" : "select", "choice" : { "1" : "1", "2" : "2", "3" : "3", "4" : "4", "5" : "5" }, "desc": "Number labels will show in breadcrumb, not show if you disabled breadcrumb" }, "Disable SubTitle": { "start": "", "type" : "checkbox", "default": true, "check": false, "uncheck": true, "desc": "Disable subtitle in articles and static pages, then display their content normally" }, "Hide Post Excerpt": { "start": "", "type" : "checkbox", "default": true, "check": false, "uncheck": true, "desc": "Hide post excerpt (description) of articles even you inputed when editing the articles" }, "Do Not Show Snippet as Excerpt": { "start": "", "type" : "checkbox", "default": true, "check": false, "uncheck": true, "desc": "If enabled excerpt, only show excerpt if articles have descriptions. Do not display snippets for missing description articles." }, "Hide Post Break Links": { "start": "", "type" : "checkbox", "default": true, "check": false, "uncheck": true, "desc": "Do not show break links in articles." }, "Number Post Break Links": { "start": "var NUM_BREAK_LINKS = ", "end": ";// number break links inside blog posts after excerpt box", "default": 3, "desc": "Number of break links in articles. 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    ", "desc": "You can change default sharing button code here. Your code must be compatible with Blogger xml syntax" }, "Disable Share URL": { "start": "", "type" : "checkbox", "default": true, "check": false, "uncheck": true, "desc": "Hide the URL under sharing buttons" }, "Show After Post Section": { "start": "var SHOW_AFTER_POST_SECTION = '", "end": "'; // position for after post section, input none to hide, after post or before comment to show", "default": "after-body", "type" : "select", "choice" : { "none" : "Not display", "after-body" : "After Post Body Content", "before-comment" : "Before Comment Section" }, "desc": "Show section after post for add extra widgets after article content" }, "Solid Inner Post Content": { "start": " white-post-inner", "type" : "checkbox", "default": false, "check": true, "uncheck": false, "desc": "Set only the inner post content background color as same as widget background color" } }, "Comment Systems": { "Disable Comment Tabs": { "start": "", "type" : "checkbox", "default": true, "check": false, "uncheck": true, "desc": "Hide comment tabs" }, "Disable Disqus Comments": { "start": "", "type" : "checkbox", "default": true, "check": false, "uncheck": true, "desc": "Hide Disqus comments, other comments system will still work properly" }, "Disable Facebook Comments": { "start": "", "type" : "checkbox", "default": true, "check": false, "uncheck": true, "desc": "Hide Facebook comments, other comments system will still work properly" }, "Disable Blogger Comments": { "start": "", "type" : "checkbox", "default": true, "check": false, "uncheck": true, "desc": "Hide Blogger comments, other comments system will still work properly" }, "Disable Blogger Comments Emoticons": { "start": "var COMMENT_EMOTICONS = ", "end": "; // enable / disable comment emoticon replacer", "type" : "checkbox", "default": true, "check": false, "uncheck": true, "desc": "Disable replacing special characters to emoticons from Blogger comments" }, "Disable Blogger Comments Media Attachment": { "start": "var COMMENT_MEDIA_ATTACH = ", "end": "; // enable / disable comment link to media replacer", "type" : "checkbox", "default": true, "check": false, "uncheck": true, "desc": "Disable replacing URls to media (links, video, images, ... ) from Blogger comments" }, "Primary Comment System": { "start": "var PRIMARY_COMMENT_SYSTEM = '", "end": "'; // change the first priority comment system that you want to show to visitors", "type" : "select", "default": "blogger", "choice" : { "blogger": "Blogger", "facebook" : "Facebook", "disqus" : "Disqus" }, "desc": "Choose the comment system that you want to show to visitor first" }, "Default Comment Avatar": { "start": "var DEFAULT_COMMENT_AVATAR = '", "end": "'; // you can upload avatar some where then replace here for default comment avatar", "type" : "text", "default": "https://img1.blogblog.com/img/anon36.png", "desc": "Image src for non avatar commenters" }, "Max Blogger Reply Depth": { "start": "var MAX_REPLY_DEPTH = ", "end": "; // number reply depth level under a top comment", "type" : "select", "choice" : { "0" : "0", "1" : "1", "2" : "2", "3" : "3", "4" : "4", "5" : "5", "6" : "6", "7" : "7", "8" : "8", "9" : "9", "10" : "10" }, "default": "2", "desc": "If a comment has level higher than this value, it will not show reply button. Select 0 mean not use threaded comment system." }, "Facebook Comment AppID": { "start": "", "end": "", "default" : "403849583055028", "desc": "Input your facebook AppId here for display your own facebook comment form." }, "Disqus Short Name": { "start": "var disqus_shortname = '", "end": "';// disqus custom shortname for moderation", "default" : "magonetemplate", "desc": "In case you want to moderate Disqus comments by yourself, input your Disqus Shortname here." } }, "SEO and Page Speed": { "Loading Image": { "start": "", "default": "https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-i9mgep4_688/YLCuAIEFswI/AAAAAAAApNM/U8QdqmVU2_oKUJFa1yAuvk2I9B9kQ4pqwCNcBGAsYHQ/s95-rw/loading.webp", "desc": "Leave blank to disable (will increase CLS). The animated image that you want to use for loading icon when page loads. 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Disable this may lead to bad in Core Web Vital measurement" } }, "Mobile Template": { "Mobile Sticky Menu": { "start": "var STICKY_MOBILE_MENU = '", "end": "'; // enable / disable sticky mobile menu", "type" : "select", "choice" : { "disable" : "Disable", "up" : "Show When Scrolling up", "down" : "Show When Scrolling down", "always" : "Show Always" }, "default": "up", "desc": "Mobile Sticky Menu When Scrolling." }, "Enable AMP for Mobile": { "start": "", "type" : "checkbox", "default": "false", "check": "true", "uncheck": "false", "desc": "Enable Accelerated Mobile Posts and Pages for Mobile", "actions" : { "true" : [ { "replace" : "", "with" : "" }, { "replace_tag" : "html", "with" : "" } ], "false" : [ { "replace" : "", "with" : "" } ] } }, "Disable Weird Symbol on AMP": { "start": "", "type" : "checkbox", "default": "false", "check": "true", "uncheck": "false", "desc": "Disable weird symbol at the start of your site when enabling AMP" }, "AMP Adsense Client ID": { "start": "", "default" : "", "desc": "Ex: ca-pub-1234567891234567. You will see this id in your Adsense code at attribute data-ad-client. It always starts with ca-pub- and usually 16 numbers at end. " }, "AMP Adsense AdSlot ID above Post Title (optional)": { "start": "", "default" : "", "desc": "YOUR ADS MUST BE A RESPONSIVE ADS. You will see this id in your Adsense code at attribute data-ad-slot. It has usually 10 numbers. Ex: 1234567890" }, "AMP Adsense AdSlot ID under Post Title (optional)": { "start": "", "default" : "", "desc": "YOUR ADS MUST BE A RESPONSIVE ADS. You will see this id in your Adsense code at attribute data-ad-slot. It has usually 10 numbers. Ex: 1234567890" }, "AMP Adsense AdSlot ID for Sticky Place(optional)": { "start": "", "default" : "", "desc": "YOUR ADS MUST BE A RESPONSIVE ADS. You will see this id in your Adsense code at attribute data-ad-slot. It has usually 10 numbers. Ex: 1234567890" }, "Mobile Browser Tab Color": { "start": "", "default" : "#ff6200", "desc": "The color code of the browser tab of your website on mobile devices" } } SNEEIT-THEME-OPTIONS ]]> ", "end": "", "fields" : { "enable_mega": { "title": "Enable Mega", "desc": "Enable Mega Menu For This Menu Item", "type" : "checkbox", "default": "", "check": true, "uncheck": "", "allow_depth" : [0] }, "icon": { "title": "Menu Icon", "desc": "Check code at Icon Code" } } } SNEEIT-THEME-MENUS ]]> -->

    autosugestión.,1,decretos,1,emociones,1,espiritualidad,1,Inteligencia emocional,1,Ley de atracción,1,Ley de vibración.,1,Manifestación de deseos,1,Nikola Tesla,1,Resonancia,1,sentimiento,1,situaciones problema,1,transformador Tesla,1,vibraciones,1,
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